Friday, August 7, 2009

Less than a Month to Go

Status Update

I have been accepted into a study abroad program called SIT-Culture & Development based out of Quito, Ecuador.
My have received my passport and my Visa.
I had to get over 11 different shots including (but not limited to): Hepatitis A, Typhoid Fever, Tetanus, and get tested for HIV.

The program is based on the idea of field-based learning. The classes are taught in an open style, accommodating the need for flexibility. There will be guest lecturers and openness to a variety of subjects and materials. There will be an intensive Spanish language class, a culture & development class, a field research seminar, and an independent study.

I will be staying with a host family. i don't know anything about them yet.
When travelling, we will be staying in Hostels and/or motels.

I have never been outside of the country. I fear that I fall witin the sheltered American stereotype, that I am not cultured and that I see the world through fogged up sunglasses. My life has not been an easy ride, but I cannot even to begin to fathom what the third world can be like. Sure, I have read first hand experiences and I have learned about such things in class; but until a person witnesses the scenery with his own eyes, and takes in the aromas with his own nose, and feel the richness of a foriegn culture, he cannot say that he knows what it is like.
I am expecting a culture shock. How could I not? I'm going to a country in the Amazon rainforest. While much of western Ecuador is developed, the land to the East is still developing. I have a moderate understanding of the Spanish language, but by no means would I say I am fluent.
I expect this experience to radically change me--both in my view of the world and also in regard to how I view myself. I know I will go through some difficult times, and this is what I want. i chose this program expecting to be challenged, expecting to learn. I could have gone to Europe and had the party of my life. I figured that I will have the rest of my life for Europe, while I may never go to South America.
Will my expectations be met? Will I adjust to culture shock? How will I adapt to te rainforest? Follow my blog to find out.

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